A Project BIM Execution Plan (BxP) shall be put in place that identifies key project
tasks outputs and, model configuration.? This may go on to form part of the Supply
Chain Information Execution Plan (SCIEP) for projects required to comply with PAS1192-2.
BIM Project Reviews should be agreed and take place regularly to ensure model
integrity and project workflow is maintained.
.Education Develop clear guidelines for internal and external collaborative working which
maintain the integrity of electronic data.
* Identify clear ownership of model elements through the life of the project.
- Sub-divide models between disciplines and. Within single disciplines to avoid file
sizes becoming too big or slow to operate. (Refer to Section 6.)
.Education Understand and clearly document what is to be modelled and to what level of detail
and / or development. Do not over, model. (Refer to Section 7.)
* All changes to the model shall be carried out as 3D modifications rather than, 2D
'patches to maintain.' The integrity of the model.
- Outstanding warnings shall be reviewed regularly and important issues resolved.
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