Neptune (English: Neptune) or the name of Thailand that the Star Ocean [1] or a star is a planet in the solar system, the final sequence that is too far from the Sun (depending on the orbit of Pluto, which sometimes coming is near the Sun than Pluto, but today is the dwarf planets). Star has a large diameter is ranked 4th on the Jupiter Saturn Uranus and has a mass of order 3, after Jupiter and Saturn, the words "the Neptune", so named for the Roman god of the Sea (Greek: Poseidon) is a symbol (♆)Neptune blue because the main elements of hydrogen and helium, methane atmospheric surface layer is. Neptune's atmosphere. A fierce wind (2500 km/h), the surface temperature is around-220 c (-370° F) which is very cold because Neptune is klaiduang Sun, but core inside of Neptune consist of rocks and gas temperature of about 7,000° c (° F 12,632) which is hotter than the surface of the Sun.Jerry Wallace, yae 2 spacecraft spacecraft from Earth, just the trunk, only ever reached Neptune when August 25, b.e. 2532 (1989) photo of Neptune, which has taken the appearance of stars came to show us the big black dot (similar to Jupiter's great red spot), which is to come under the side of the star. There is a thin dark rings around (rings of Neptune. Previous discoveries by Edward Gideon (Edward Guinan).Neptune Moon and sun spots, 8 servants or 14 most big named Triton. The part that most small moons are named S/2004 N 1 [2]
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