Divide Abu Simbel (Abu Simbel), built by Pharaoh Ramses 2 (Ramses II) is one of the most beautiful temples of Egypt. Near the Sudan border Very large Built in about 1270 BC or 3260 years ago by a mountain drilled the ball. The front facing east, consisting of two temple with the temple and the small temple. Temple built for himself. A stone carving of the Pharaoh Ramses II seated on the throne four consecutive two on each side facing the river. In order to demonstrate the power and authority of Pharaoh who protect those who sail boat on the Nile. The center bore is the entrance. At the foot carved mother. The Queen and the eight sons, daughters, and create up to 20 meters, made threats to Nubia (the African blacks), which is a tributary to the rebellious. The small temple dedicated to Ferrari's wife, Tari. To worship the goddess's Thor. As the goddess of music and love, like the love between these two thou
• Directly above the entrance to The Great Hypostyle Hall with a statue of the falcon deity statue of Ramses II, stands at the side of the fourth wall to write history with the language. Hieroglyphics To his royal duties On the ceiling with carved stone deities Oris USA. Each side wall Was carved Ramesses II
•. Innermost room A carved stone 4 episode enshrined the god Amon, Ramses II, Hamakis and Ptah, each year there are two dates are March 21 and 21 September at 5.58 pm. Sun is shining through the entrance to a shine to. Amon and Ramses II at first and then gradually move to the Hamakis shine for about 20 minutes there will be no light at the god Ptah, the god Ptah, because the god of darkness
•. From left to right behind the temple is a temple that Ramses II built it as a memorial upon Her Majesty Queen Nefertari who love and please the most. A statue of Ramses II in standing four. Interspersed with the statue of the Queen's baton Ferrari's stance in two forms. This foot position There are carvings of sons and daughters
•. Even large temple It was blowing from the desert sands to overwhelm Little by little throughout the course of thousands of years until the mid western Swiss tourists were discovered when the year 1813 was about 189 years ago and joined on the rail. 1964, it will be almost lost again. This time to sink under the water. After Egypt built the Aswan Dam ago. The water in Lake Nasser to rise. Find a way to help raise the water to escape. UNESCO, the UN organization. The helping hand By spending $ 40 million to hire engineers. And the Temple cut designs into 1,050 pieces and each weighs ten tons and raised to a new level by up to 215 feet by building an artificial mountain dome. (Hollow inside) with conversion agrarian sect Ironclad upon the original in every respect. Then cut parts attributed to both external and internal. Very realistic The joints between the pieces are invisible.
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