Chu Seok-Festival or Thanksgiving Day of nationals of Korea by the so called "Han Langkawi" by "Han" means big, and the "Langkawi" refers to mid-August and mid-autumn day month 8 by counting according to the lunar calendar each year, making the day a mismatch, but most will stay about a month of September every year. The foreigners, known in the day Thankgiving day or the day the Moon country Thailand's pupil. By holiday, the largest and most important in Korea usually stopped for 3 days or more. Family members will gather to share food and each other's stories, including the first, thanks to their ancestors that delivers abundant Festival Chu Seok is also one of the three major holidays in Korea there is a nook software and computerization, lalan Sano which is considered to be a special day, and so there is no harvest celebrations that occur on a full moon day.
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