.Plankton is the creature that is suspended in water Because the physical appearance and size. The plankton can not acting on the moving. Flies in the direction of the current.(recreation, gajaseni.2554:39) phytoplankton algae floating in the water can photosynthesize. Play an important role in the human beings, whether it is direct and indirect. Phytoplankton species directly as food of humans, such as algae Spirulina.Such as the algae Chlorella, which contains duets gibberellin, used as antibiotics. Indirect of phytoplankton is a manufacturer of important in water. Important to the environment. And the living creatures in the water.(Primary Productivity) with fish and aquatic animals. Phytoplankton is evidence in the food chain (Food chain) of natural resources (the daughter porn hue allocation and estates development, dust,2548)
.On the nature of the water. The nutrients necessary for the growth of phytoplankton Buy enough to satisfy the needs of organisms in the water. But at present the various nutrients from waste water or wastewater is discharged into the river.(Eutrophication). Results for phytoplankton growth and proliferation was called Plankton blooms or Algel bloom.
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