“Do you think you’d rather draw/write with this tablet or with markers/pencils/pens? Why? What can the tablet/paper and markers (insert child choice) do that the tablet/paper and markers (insert opposite of child choice) can’t do?”
"Do you think you'd rather draw/write with this tablet or with markers/pencils/pens? Why? What can the tablet/paper and markers(insert child choice) do that the tablet/paper and markers (insert opposite of child choice) can't do?"
"Do you think you'd rather draw / write with this tablet or with markers / pencils / pens? Why? Can what the Tablet / Paper and markers (INSERT Child Choice) that do the Tablet / Paper and markers (INSERT Opposite of Choice Child) Can not do? ".
"Do you think you 'd rather draw / write with this tablet or with markers / pencils / pens? Why? What can the tablet / paper and. Markers.(insert child choice) do that the tablet / paper and markers (insert opposite of child choice) can 't do? "