Durian (Durien)
Wong (Family): Bombacaceae
common name (Common name): Durian
science (Scientific name): Durio zibethinus Murray
durian fruit trees, evergreen trunk height of 25-50 meters, depending on the branch's horn. Spread the ends of branches, twigs, stems up. The outer shell of the gray trunk. Rough, scaly skin peeling off tubeless single leaves. Was spread across branches A pair of oppositely same plane. Generally Durian fruit when ripe age of 4-5 years and three months after pollination, then a fresh kind of single. Round to oval Durian spikes when the fruit is green. When cooked brown There is a pool as part of the call. The meat is from light yellow to red. The meat is soft Semi-soft, semi-hard seed coat with a sweet brown oval shell surface. White seed Astringent taste can grow and yield well. In a hot climate. The optimum temperature for about 10 to 46 ° C.
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