"students, everyone at this time have Facebook out and there was no need to play Facebook through computer but also
.Play through mobile phone all the time. So no matter sit. Sit seminar, there will be many students raised the phone press keys dialogs widely
.Energetic, focus more time studying than kids these days playing the wrong place at the wrong time. Facebook learning time is play time for play!A drug overdose. Facebook together some messages have to reply immediately, or chat over the phone, through the Facebook.
.The sitting class meeting, training seminars not effective because play Facebook. Become a lack of social etiquette severely children
.In adults, even nowadays there as well. That did not honor the speaker by playing Facebook on a mobile phone or electronic device itself
.Shh Shh shh. Continuously from the play Facebook a wrong place at the wrong time. The disadvantages of Facebook later is playing and a waste of time study. Because you're
.Play the game grow vegetables, planting grass in Facebook or just apartment. I chat, homework task ครูอาจารย์มอบหมาย back, a waste of time!Learn the reading time to do my homework. This is undeniable that modern media called Facebook is an evil to destroy the education of students
students authentic. Ever!Oh oh oh oh ซ้ำร้ายไปกว่านั้น. The students some teenagers apartment, chat, using coarse language. There is a sage, which new media type
.This is no censorship before release. Sometimes it may cause provocation. Comment in the direction not publicly
so. The students must have thought before what presentation through the Facebook
.Oh oh oh oh also May cause problems controversy through Facebook using emotional emotional convey put the character idiom item
.The highly inappropriate. Biting each other, losing myself และสถาบัน image. This type of media is the media open. It published on
to infinity. So be careful in publishing.
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