The terminal is an herb that is used to treat infections in several species (Wang et al., 2002), this research aims to determine the antibacterial activity of extracts from the terminal and Noni
bacteria. species of pathogenic bacteria and infections are endemic, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract
and is to study York in Noni extracts and similar to the average person can take. The truth is
, unlike the antibacterial activity of extracts report concludes that have come before. The introduction of substances
known to exist in pure love as acubin, L-asperrulodise, alizarin, compound anthraquinone, scopoletin to test the size of the average person uses about 10-15 grams of dry weight. May be pure volume is not high enough to act as an antibacterial effect upon the results of the research are impulsive York close cooked dry weight equivalent to 14.5 percent of live weight and extracted with methanol. Methanol, filtered and evaporated to dryness. Can extract 12.5 percent. Of dry weight The extract was dissolved with DMSO and sterile distilled water. Yo extract concentration is about 510 mg per ml of solvent by the 2 types did not affect the growth of bacteria being tested. And has been reported previously that extracts of York with alcohol such as methanol or ethanol, is active in antimicrobial well (Gerson and Green, 2002).
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