The number of samples, the number of females is 211 416 people, 50.7 per cent male, number 205 people by 49.3 per cent, mainly in grade 4, 34.6 percent are second-year 25.5 per cent, most of which have experience and ability to use computers and network systems.Network for learning more than 8 years old to 58.4 percent by most students never e-Learning in learning mathematics branch 51.9 percent factor that most students use computers and Internet networking for learning is 1) to search for answers on what the suspect 2) want to improve self study and 3) find ways to solve the problem, 61.5%, and 59.1 50.7, respectively.2.2 use of open educational resources for learning.Table 4 use of open educational resources for learning (N = 418)
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