I train the mind to passive, really was never seen. That looks like other mental?
is เชื่อๆตาม tandem
(but actually does not have the appearance shape of mind what
.And it is called mind. He is a natural one in nature)
I is lust, hatred, and so on. Remembered have, not what realize
obsessed with happy suffering more doubt know
.But it's better than nothing. You know lust, hatred, and rulers
asking know this what
answer that, like nothing, because it just know.
if more than that is thought and
.It's just a stairway to the thinking process is another form of the ฉลาดทางอารมณ์ up
it turned angry not to not fire struck not extinguish, and never quench.
but we think we know the wrath and anger fade next day
.It's just the additives that is angry
so it just a stairs. In order to understand the way thinking garnish
understand doubt, understand know
when the spirit of intelligent occurred. Smarter completely
.To look at the whole cycle of suffering, enlightened, stabbed. All doubt that can break the ignorance.
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