As you have mentioned is guilty. You can work stoppage truancy to date. .......................... Time to ............................ date................................... Time ............................... And attended a rally at ............................................ Or to carry on ............................................ ............................................. The Company has notified the person back then. But he did not listen Failed to comply with any
such action constitutes a breach of regulations regarding work on Discipline and Disciplinary Section ........................ No................................................ .......................
In addition, such action is deemed to be the employer intentionally causing damage. Or in violation of regulations related to the operation or regulation, or order the employer's lawful and justified cases, serious truancy or absenteeism, work for three consecutive days, whether or not a holiday in between. Without reasonable cause And considered abandoning the job Or serious offenders Or acts unable to perform their duties to get things done properly and in good faith by
the Company agreed to terminate you. The effective termination date. .................................. So go
for your wages during the day. ............................ To date ............................ Company Prepared / paid to you already today
, thus prompting to know (................................ ..... ) Managing Director
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