a personification of death in the form of a cloaked skeleton wielding a large scythe. "Their tragic deaths have also reminded us all of how the Grim Reaper never decides to take time off even for the summer vacation." ดูเพิ่มเติม
a personification of death in the form of a cloaked skeleton wielding a large scythe."Their tragic deaths have also reminded us all of how the Grim Reaper never decides to take time off even for the summer vacation."View more
a personification of Death in The Form of a cloaked Large Skeleton wielding a scythe. "Their Tragic deaths Have also reminded all of Us How The Grim Reaper never decides to Take time off Even for The Summer Vacation." More.
A personification of death in the form of a cloaked skeleton wielding a large scythe. . "Their tragic deaths have also reminded. Us all of how the Grim Reaper never decides to take time off even for the summer vacation. " see more.