ใช่ฉันรักคุณคุณจะรู้หรือไม่ว่ามันทุกข์ทรมานแค่ไหนที่เรารักเขา แต่ต้องพ การแปล - ใช่ฉันรักคุณคุณจะรู้หรือไม่ว่ามันทุกข์ทรมานแค่ไหนที่เรารักเขา แต่ต้องพ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


เราต้องเงียบ ต้องเฉยชา ต้องเลี่ยง ต้องหลบหน้า


ยิ่งเรายึดติดอะไรมากไป ดูไร่ค่า



ขอเวลาทำใจที่จะพบหน้าคน คิดถึงคุณเสมอ ทุกลมหายใจ ฉันขอเวลาสักพักนะ คุณทักทายฉันได้ แค่ไม่เห็นหน้า

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Yes, I love you
you know it or not, it's just the kind of suffering we love him.
But must be tried effortlessly move out.
We need silence to chill tea. Need to bypass Need to move pages.
Must look buengtueng wearing

.It hurt almost crazy to hurt yourself with this method.
Although the view is a ngo
but if you need to do to protect yourself.
To prevent injury to yourself and

, the move will help teach, we learned that
.The more we adhere to See the

plantation just you have to understand the reason for this message.
Don't understand that I'm angry or hate you must show one at a time, ignoring the pain people person

put a tea, it will have the strength to sustain itself, rise to strong again.
Ready to take life on the ideal that should be.
Although there are many barriers through which at least according t.

Asked page to make time for people to think about you always, every breath. I asked for some time you greet me. I just don't see the page

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Yes, I love you
, you know that it's suffering just as we love them.
, but have to reluctantly backed away.
, we need silence to be cold to avoid having to shrink.
need it looks sullen enter it hurts like crazy to hurt. Own this way it will be a way to fool. , but if you need to do to protect themselves. , to not let themselves be hurt. , retreat is to help teach us to learn that. much we take nothing more. Look trashy I just have to understand the reasons for this. , do not understand that I'm angry or hate it, you have to act cold to. those painful people will have the strength to lift myself to get up to strength again. available to live in the way that is right for you. although the trip will have varying barrier somehow. 's time to chill meet people. Thinking of you every time I breath a bit. You greet me I did not see

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Yes I love you you know
it suffer much we love him.

but trying to force away we need quiet, indifference, want to avoid to ทำหน้าตา frown on avoiding

.It hurts like crazy to hurt myself by this method even look how stupid

but if necessary to do to protect yourself.
to prevent feelings get hurt.

moving away to help teach us to learn that
.The more we adhere too much watch Rai value

just you understand why this topic. Don't understand me or hate. You must act in wear.

hurt the person will have the strength to support itself up strong again
.Ready to live a walk on the right way should be. Even if the journey is more
obstacles less somehow.

would you give me one moment to see people always think of you with every breath I take for a while, you greet me. Just don't see

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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