Laminar flame speed at 1 atm for H2/O2 diluted with N2, Ar, or He. (O2:N2 = O2:Ar = O2:He = 1:3.76). Symbols: experimental data [5–8]; solid lines: the present model; dashed lines: the model of Mueller et al. [1].
Laminar flame speed at 1 atm for H2/O2 dilutedwith N2, Ar, or He. (O2:N2 = O2:Ar = O2:He = 1:3.76).Symbols: experimental data [5–8]; solid lines: the presentmodel; dashed lines: the model of Mueller et al. [1].
Flame speed laminar at 1 ATM for H2 / O2 diluted with N2, Ar, or He. (O2: N2 = O2: O2 = Ar: He = 1: 3.76). Symbols: Experimental Data [5-8]; solid Lines: the present Model; dashed lines: the model of Mueller et al. [1].
Laminar flame speed at 1 ATM for H2 / O2 diluted with N2 Ar or,, He. (O2: N2 = O2: Ar = O2: He = 1: 3.76). Symbols: experimental. Data [5 - 8]; solid lines: the present model; dashed lines: the model of Mueller et al 1. [].