The old woman told her that one in the city, the divine name dim (The Moors) which abut on city human. A goddess named it St. Phillip Met and loved a human boy named Stephan, who would be king, but the heart of the long day.Until one day, Stefan stop her later, Henry, King City, raised battalions hit the city human divine, but was defeated in the film St. anger is. Has said that man after the devastation of her to avenge him.Stefan SOP channel up big. Returned to find lefia st one night he drugged her, but she could not restrain himself He used the object has the power to kill iron Goddess cut her wings.He killed her. Come to physical heart devastated St. He turned to create black land in the city D. And get the crow named Indian Valley, a people's, to have effect can transform various
.One day, good aval notification that Stefan reigned in the city human now is to celebrate พระธิดา just born is the name that the aurora To get revenge, Stefan. It is to penetrate to the celebration by Phillip St. not invited.He asked her to have mercy on God Stefan, she answered that the curse can be solved with kiss of true love, and then left. He feared it God Stefan Theosophical cents would offend him greatly. He ordered to forfeit all the cotton gin in the region.
.Angel three three that reckless. Do not pay attention to his daughter as appropriate. Come, Phillip St. came spool of thread is not far away. Even the original despise so much. When his daughter to yes. Fifteen years old, Phil went to meet me in St.It always protect his Theosophical st guard, he believes that it is the "Theosophical St. แม่ทูนหัว" (godmother); come, Theosophical cents when to reside with his daughter for a long time. Are beginning to realize that he loves his daughter very simply.But in vain!
.After Aurora meet prince charming name Phillips, who is coming to the palace God Stefan. The two fall in love in the heart immediately. Prince Phillip had promised to come back to the aurora for sure.Aurora also pleased with it rather than to return to the city Fiesta st man. In Theosophical cents would that thought would help ward off from the achievement, but the damage to the fairy said in a statement.Aurora hear and heart broken. Come run away back to the palace, St. Phillip father
.God Stefan imprisoned aurora in the court until the day celebration from the dead will pass. Nonetheless, Aurora has met with the molding machine cotton spoil it originally And he was the needle, the hand, the curse is achieve.Thus smuggle, Prince Philip, to the palace, hoping that the prince and princess had met in the forest, even for short, it may help to engender true love to lift the curse. Prince Phillip is kiss Aurora, but it doesn't work.The offer will keep his daughter from the calamity; until he resurrection. And kiss the นลาฏ said his daughter with love. Suddenly Princess woke up from his sleep. ฟิเซนต์ understood thatPrincess called it "godmother" Fiesta st is to appreciate the love like mother ที่มาเลฟิ cents are provided. Forgive me and Phillip st in everything!
.His daughter's desire to return to St. in the city it physical D. Theosophical St. brought went away. But God Stefan come across and sent steel mesh get her Theosophical cents for.In Theosophical St. force last transform crow well aval is a dragon to help her with his daughter away, but the man so brave. In the hour that lefia St. will be executed them.It was revived by the Theosophical St. power; And overcome God Stefan. It ignores the Theosophical St. living by asking break up here. Before she will take the daughter to fly away, but God didn't give up, StefanCome, Phillip St. steady. But God Stefan is fell to below old age life
then. Come to physical st include Heavenly City the city into one, and Aurora rule. The end appear. The old woman narrator is Aurora at the end of lives.
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