1. As soon as possible ASAP — as soon as possible. This acronym is most often used when it is asked to perform something quickly. For example, to pay the costs.2. Business to Business B2B — from business to business, it shows a form of business partnership between companies who, for example, between the manufacturer and the wholesaler or between wholesalers and retailers.3 Business to business Consumer B2C — to customers, it illustrates the type of business cooperation between companies and users, for example, retail.Chief Accounting Officer-7 CAO — so called, in English, the company's chief accountant.5. Chief Executive Officer — CEO, Chief Executive Officer of analog that is closest to your post in Russia language — ceo.Chief Financial Officer CFO — 6, this corresponds to the position of CFO.7, Chief Marketing Officer CMO — by comparison with the previous notations of this type may be translated as Director of marketing.CSO Chief Security Officer, 8 — the head of the security services.9. Customer Relationship Management CRM — customer relationship management. System that focuses on the needs of the customer10 Export — Export EXP The export of goods from the border of the country.
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