If we are to think of anyone else outside of the Java man is hostile parents and teachers in any school, whether it is to want to be, organize activities to allow students to think of Ku NaN is teacher merit equity Wai Kru day.Date, a Wai khru may bring a broader range of people, Thailand, but most students dozed Chancellor will think it not important teak Wai Kru day grey shoulders, especially children, grown up kids ' high school also in the sense of these people may think that today is the day to do repeatedly with every year, and with the air of a place at the event, it made them think a hostile, but in the thinking of many people may think that today it is not just one day, we're going to take that scam lamluek or think of his teachers, I think that the school that everyone loves and respect for teachers, in fact, we don't have to be cut,What is required to provide it, it's just swimming jelly, sent a representative to each room to apologize or ask for enough teacher porn? Wai khru, and therefore is an important day, but it may be there are some people who may not see the value of it, but it is the sleekest sedan of Wai khru day in another, may not apply to just one day, we think that it will respect the teachers.
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