แม้รักมาแค่ไหน...แม้ต้องการมากเพียงใด แต่สิ่งที่เจ้าชายและแม่มดไม่อาจทำได้คือการ...ครองคู่ Even how much love... Even want so much but what Prince and a witch may not do is ... to dominate the pairs.
Even though I love how come despite much like but what Prince and a witch may not do is ... how much Even a couple on the love ... but Even so much want and what a Prince witch may not do is ... to dominate the pairs.
I love it ... I want to be. , but the prince and the witch could do is to ... win the game. Even How much Love ... Even Want So much. but May Not What do Prince and a Witch. is ... to dominate the pairs.
Even how much love... Even want so much but what the prince and the witch can not do is... The pair Even how much love... Even want. So much but what Prince and a witch may not do is... To dominate the pairs.