This contract is called a lease offered by a contract in the next
................................................................................................................. is referred to as "rent" for one party with ............................................................................................. At the age of ...Your citizenship
year ..... ................ identity card number date of issue ........... ............................ ................ ....................... province
address by identity card numbers ...... moo ... ถนน.....................ตรอก/ซอย.......................... Subdistrict ..............................
....................... District province ....................... สถานที่ทำงาน........................................................ โทรศัพท์ .....................
The contract, which was to be called the "tenant" at the other end, one both sides opted to contract with the following message:
. 1. "rent" and "rental agreement" OK get tenants rent room ............................. Have defined ............... months
?Since that day ...... Month to date "with a grain of salt since .................. ........... .......... ...................... months ending December of this contract to the residential tenant," "OK, rent payment," rent ", based on the standard month ................. And electric charges (...........................) according to the number of meters per unit rate ............... Bath and water according to the number of the meter rate per unit ................ /
Verse 2. "Tenants" are willing to pay for the room rental. Rent equipment in electricity water as "rent" within 1 month of the date of the next calendar, and every month until the lease maturity. If "Tenants", allowing the suspension to end contract immediately by "renting" the sub-lessee does not advance on oral or written
. Verse 3. If the "tenants" discard room rentals to long term as noen in excess of 15 days without notice or "tenants" owes rent 15 days since that is due. 2. "Tenants" consent :
3.1 to "rent" the collection of all kinds of room rented to gather at the place where "rent", and within 15 days if the "tenants" are not coming back. "Rent" has the right to bring such a brisk market. 3.2. "tenants" consent, "rent" to seize possession of property for rent and occupy property as "tenants" and the "rent" has the right to lock the room for rent. "Tenant" or of And "for rent", qualify leads, others rent here.
. 3.3 in the case of "for rent" or "lease" provider agent migration properties of "tenant" if anything damaged or broken stripes bubot lost "tenants" are not taking the claim or in any criminal guilt
4 errors. "Tenants" know and understand very well that the service's electric water "rent" is a service provided to tenants to rent a room in this lifetime, with the terms "tenant" would not have to pay for the room hire trade. Water or "tenants" did not conduct unlawful contracts, one based on the original lease, so if the "tenants" does not comply with these conditions will allow for "rent" has the right to suspend the water power.
No. Verse 5. "Tenants" to accept a treatment room for rent throughout the TA within a room and equipment rental, room clean, neat. If there is something defective, damaged, or defective broken bubot pattern occurs. "The rent";
Note that if the "tenants" wish to alter more or anything else into the room where the rental will need to get permission from "rent," written before action.
. Verse 6. Those buildings which have been modified or repaired, or more into the area of the room for rent. When "rent" moved from rented rooms. Prohibiting demolition or destruction is disallowed, and these buildings must be of. "Tenants" are claims or any other expenses. Not at all
7. "the tenant", "for rent" or "lease" provider agent to check the room for rent anytime
. Verse 8. "Tenants", recognizing that it is not for others to rent one or more ranges will not be handed over to another person to occupy the rented rooms during contract lifetime lease
8.1. "Tenants" has informed members that there would be room in this House for rent ...
8.2 people ..... If the "tenant" to take the theme parks or relatives to shelter residents are exceeded by 8.1. to change the others to stay on rather than those stated. "Tenant" would have to obtain permission from "rent" is written before you reach shelter.
9 messages. "Tenants" to handle the room rent, with sewage and odor or noise loud until someone gets annoyed without the usual happy. And do not use charcoal grills. Gas furnace Inside the apartment, or Tak garments and litter outside the apartment
. Verse 10. Those assets that are "imported" tenants in rented cars motorbike or "tenants" are negotiated, if the damage or loss to any official bubot "tenants" should be responsible for themselves. "Tenants", whether in any case all
. Verse 11. If any illegal or unlawful act has occurred in the area of the room for rent is this contract, regardless of whether it is a "tenant" or of a tenant or anyone else that tenants adopt or bring or cause. 12. the city
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