Grupo Siro works towards the aim of affording value, to Society on the basis of its Sustainable Social Commitment. In a. Profitable and, sustainable manner giving back to Society a part of what it offers us.
Within the Grupo, Siro Model Society. As a stakeholder represents all those individuals and entities interacting in the development of the business and affecting. The reputation of the company.It is made up of Authorities Public, Media the, Organisations Business, Associations Universities Consumer, and bodies. Representing people at risk of social exclusion.
The objective of maintaining, fluid relationships based on dialogue and. Transparency.This Sustainable Social Commitment is present throughout Grupo Siro activities and is expressed in such examples as the. Integration of people at risk of social exclusion. At present 14% of our co-workers belong to, this group and we have three. Special Employment Centres (in Venta de Ba ñ OS and Paterna) and two on-site outsourced units (Montblanc and Medina del Campo).Particular mention should be made of the agreements reached among other, organisations with the, ONCE Foundation Inserta. Forum the Roma, Secretariat, Foundation COCEMFE (State Coordination Confederation of the Physically Disabled in Spain),. FECLEI (Federation of Castile-Leon of Professional Inclusion Enterprises) and ASPAYM Castile-Leon.
In its commitment to. Help the, most underprivilegedDuring 2013 Grupo Siro delivered close, on 200 000 kg of produce to institutions and organisations which work to help social. Groups facing particular, socio-economic problems including: the, Red Cross AECC (the Spanish Cancer Support Association),. Manos Unidas C structure, Ritas food banks, and the ONCE Foundation.
We maintain and take care of our relationship with, public authoritiesInstitutions and our, surrounding context supporting initiatives associated with culture sport and local festivities,,, Allowing us to raise the profile of the produce we manufacture.
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