Details about the number of shares
shares shares registered with the set, 311 394 3, 986 stocks, shares, ชำระแล้ว
3 394 311 986,, stocks. The right to vote 1: 1
shares buy back shares with voting rights interests and stock buy back
at the 30 OCT 2557 3 394,,311 986 stock
, at 30 SEP 2557,,, 3 394 311 986
shares preferred stock exchange, registered with 4 880 212 shares of stock,
, sanctified, SCB-P, 4 880 212 shares, voting rights, 1: 1
shares buy back shares with voting rights interests and stock ซื้อคืน
.As of the date of 30 OCT 2557, stock, 4 880 212
at the 30 SEP 2557 4 880 212,, stocks.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..