be well, stay well clinicwhen Mrs.Benson told us she wasn't feeling we การแปล - be well, stay well clinicwhen Mrs.Benson told us she wasn't feeling we สโลวัก วิธีการพูด

be well, stay well clinicwhen Mrs.B

be well, stay well clinic

when Mrs.Benson told us she wasn't feeling well but that she didn't know what the matter was, we gave her the same advice as we're giving you - come to the be well, stay well clinic and let one of our expert therapists find out what the problem is. here at be well, stay well, we practice iridology. not sure what iridology is? well, read on...

iridology is, quite simply, the study of the eye in order to diagnose disease. the iris is the colored part of the eye, and every part of your body is represented there. so, if the therapist finds something unusual in your iris, he or she can tell right away which part of your body is not working properly.

iridology was first practiced in the 19th century by a Hungarian doctor named Ignatz Von Peczely. when he was a child, he nursed an owl with a broken leg and noticed in its iris a black stripe that slowly turned white and then became a tiny black spot as its leg healed.years later, as a doctor, he noticed a similar marking in the eye of a man with a broken leg. over the years Von Peczely found many cases in which people suffering from similar illnesses had similar markings in their irises.

iridology is based on a map of the eye which is rather like a clock face. each part of the body has a specific place on the map. for example, if a therapist wants to know how a patient's lungs are, he or she will look at 9 o'clock on the right eye and 3 o'clock on the left eye. any unusual coloring, dots or lines will show the therapist that something is not right.

all our patients leave the clinic feeling extremely satisfied with the diagnosis they've received. Mr.Williams, who had been felling strange for months but didn't know why, said he had been surprised when the therapist had examined only his eyes. he was diagnosed by the iridologist as having severe stomach problems. after he had received the appropriate treatment, he said he felt one hundred percent better.
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ผลลัพธ์ (สโลวัก) 1: [สำเนา]
be well, stay well clinicwhen Mrs.Benson told us she wasn't feeling well but that she didn't know what the matter was, we gave her the same advice as we're giving you - come to the be well, stay well clinic and let one of our expert therapists find out what the problem is. here at be well, stay well, we practice iridology. not sure what iridology is? well, read on...iridology is, quite simply, the study of the eye in order to diagnose disease. the iris is the colored part of the eye, and every part of your body is represented there. so, if the therapist finds something unusual in your iris, he or she can tell right away which part of your body is not working properly.iridology was first practiced in the 19th century by a Hungarian doctor named Ignatz Von Peczely. when he was a child, he nursed an owl with a broken leg and noticed in its iris a black stripe that slowly turned white and then became a tiny black spot as its leg healed.years later, as a doctor, he noticed a similar marking in the eye of a man with a broken leg. over the years Von Peczely found many cases in which people suffering from similar illnesses had similar markings in their irises.iridology is based on a map of the eye which is rather like a clock face. each part of the body has a specific place on the map. for example, if a therapist wants to know how a patient's lungs are, he or she will look at 9 o'clock on the right eye and 3 o'clock on the left eye. any unusual coloring, dots or lines will show the therapist that something is not right.all our patients leave the clinic feeling extremely satisfied with the diagnosis they've received. Mr.Williams, who had been felling strange for months but didn't know why, said he had been surprised when the therapist had examined only his eyes. he was diagnosed by the iridologist as having severe stomach problems. after he had received the appropriate treatment, he said he felt one hundred percent better.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (สโลวัก) 2:[สำเนา]
Maj sa dobre, Stay Well Clinic Mrs.Benson Keď nám povedal, She She sa necítil dobre, ale že nevie, čo bola vec, my jej dal v rovnakom radu, ako sme vás - Príďte sa dobre, Zostaň. dobre klinika a nechal jeden z našich odborných terapeutov zistiť, v čom je problém. tu na dobre, cítili dobre, cvičíme Iridologie. nie ste istí, čo Iridologie je? No, čítajte ďalej ... Iridology je jednoducho, štúdium oka k diagnóze ochorenia. Dúhovka je farebná časť oka, a každá časť vášho tela je tu zastúpená. Takže, ak terapeut Neobvyklý nájde niečo vo vašom Iris, alebo ona si môže povedať, ktorý hneď časť vášho tela nepracuje správne. Iridology Najprv bola realizovaná v 19. storočí maďarským menom Ignáca von Peczely Doctor. keď bol ešte dieťa, keď ošetrovala sovu so zlomenou nohou a všimol si vo svojich dúhovke čierny pruh, ktorý sa pomaly otočil biely a potom sa stal malý čierny bod ako jeho nohy healed.years neskôr, ako lekár, všimol si, že podobné označenia. v oku človeka so zlomenou nohou. V priebehu mnohých rokov Von Peczely prípady u ľudí, ktorí trpia podobnými chorobami, ktoré mali podobné značky vo svojich kosatca. Iridology je založená na mape oka, ktorý je skôr ako ciferníku. Každá časť tela má špecifické miesto na mape. Napríklad, ak terapeut chce vedieť, ako pľúca pacientovej sú, on alebo ona bude vyzerať v 9 hodín na pravé oko a 3. hodinou na ľavé oko. Nezvyčajné farbenie, bodky alebo čiary ukáže terapeutovi, že niečo nie je v poriadku. Všetci naši pacienti opustiť kliniku pocitom veľmi spokojní s diagnózou, ktoré ste dostali. Mr.Williams, ktorý bol výrub divné mesiacov, ale nevedel prečo, povedal, že bol prekvapený, keď terapeut mu skúmal len oči. on bol diagnostikovaný u iridologist, že majú vážne žalúdočné ťažkosti. potom, čo dostal vhodnú liečbu, keď povedal, že cítil na sto percent lepšie.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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