Luang Pu Kasem or Luang PHO Kasem We find your khem worship and remembrance prayer Ask for help from your coverage and influence Protection from dangerous guard when suffering, whether it is because of the influence. Luang phaw phian grow some bakban with kammaṭṭhāna introspection is difficult to have a the virtual worker. Create more faith and confidence high. " Nowadays, he's considered vipassanā is growing with the mental powers. Control body into prayer meditation Future-oriented sludge He is not addicted to food when food is present, even those who bring so in paradise. If he's not presently be obtained presently, prakhen in the morning. There's a person of pure and noble mercy You all who brim with lust and charismatic today. Luang PHO PHO Sai is also like a umbrella, umbrella, umbrella, the cold one, we all.
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