All employees up to date on 14/10/2015 with a total of 418 people on 14/10/2015-15/11/2015 are out.The remaining 15 people, 403 people and employees access to 30/10/2015 8 people, including employees of 411 people.
All employees until 10.14.2015 amounted to 418 people a day on 14/10 / 2015-15 / 11/2015. A staff of 15 people and left 403 employees on 10/30/2015 Number eight people, including staff of 411 employees.
All employees until 14 / 10 / 2015 were 418 people within days 14 / 10 / 2015-15 / 11 / 2015 staff out of 15 people remaining 403 . And the staff on 30 / 10 / 2015 number 8 people, including all the staff 411 people.