A new recipe, increase the efficiency 3 as one see the 100% lower abdomen.The upper arms, thighs, arms, legs, abdomen small flat.To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The... To... To... To... To... To... To... The... The...IDOL SLIM APPLE fruit drinks diet Burn Body Fat & White.The properties of the Idol Slim Apple.Block fat to accumulate.Burn burn fat old.Clear fat, old and new.Whitening strengthen white.A new recipe, increase the efficiency 3 times actually reduces the 20 kg.Accelerate the metabolism of fat, reduce weight, reduce cholesterol, no side effects on the brain.Certified internal changes 7 days.Good shape fit the firmware, concise, delicious take shape you look good.With natural extracts a mix of L - carnitine collagen.Take care of your skin firm, elastic, healthy skin white, bright and healthy.Safe, harmless, no side effects, say goodbye to obesity. A new person.With good shape forever.How to eat: makerTear the envelope with plain water or cold water 250 ml brew to melt.Drink before or after breakfast 30 minutes should drink water,.
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