When I go to sleep and then wake up for a while to go walking by the river. I chose to go to the hotel's bike because of the relatively long path. The atmosphere walking both sides of the street, beautiful scales. At that time a relatively quiet because it is not yet late so people out walking. When molding around the bike, pedestrian, and then spun to the Mekong River for viewing sunset. It weighed too romantic but I come alone, it will return to the accommodation. Onset hunger Fit the same aunt who invite guests to dine out with it. Restaurants, taverns, is a semi- My aunt who's a lot food order. Ask me what proved to be the group that I have, but the staggering because imposing. We talk about Italy's visiting aunt alone I see lots of panic, time lapse, until several hours back. Later that morning I out biking along the Mekong River with a thin fog touches the reef store all your memories today are here because back then. Soak up the atmosphere and when the memories until satisfied. I will go back to wait for the bus and vice versa. Aunt em, the owners sent volunteer waiting car, see La Chiang Khan when opportunities arise.
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