Music naphatMusic instrumental music naphat means composed of kiriyaakan The mood of the character song is a song with a melody and naphat rhythm is defined as a plan including the opportunity to use it. In General, there will be no music, naphat lyrics. Use only the melody is played that contains lyrics, as well as songs which are found, including phlengkraonok visions, etc. The song has the most dance naphat defined only in each song, and the song the same songs naphat. The use of drama and dance, Thailand, THA is a giant monkey, she will inevitably vary.The songs are simple and naphat naphat naphat high.1. Naphat plain Using instrumental composed of demeanor of a character is not mandatory, the length of songs to naphat stopped end or change the music, people seem to want to make music and dance, of a major character. This type of music is very applicable to naphat display folk opera or musicals, such as music, always music man. Music chiefs Music advocate2. Advanced naphat, also known as "the music teacher" is considered as a sacred music. Using instrumental composed manner. The mood of the characters who are the gods of music, higher rank, or mandatory naphat length. Who will have to dance the rhythm of the song is the melody and stretch the backbone to cut it short or long as you like, no. For the most part used to display characters and mask used in the ceremony to pray to the teacher. Music and dance teachers, such as cover songs, as well as sleep phlengkrabong. Music as well as music bathotkuni music to sleep sin the Lord music library with a different event, especially fungi, Lord, just a different event, music, the highest among the leading music naphat naphat all.Functional breakdown of songs naphat be required to show a character's breakdown. 7 characteristics are.1. music to include songs composed of demeanor, naphat always the short journey to the character slowly not to hurry. The Angel song journey remote manner to hurry. Music lecturer music, always, always have a song based on the common features of the characters and the character's nationality and citizenship of another character, such as always in Laos. Always, always happens, Burma Always always always a fiend thon Laos Always happens Note to see the actor's costume, music, animated nuainat the kiriyaakan ching to strut a fun play. Visit the garden. Trekking Collect flowers, or they are way in one place. Bathotkuni used animation to music has a minor sect ceremony. Apply only to the character of God-her with the arrival of the Holy Prince song the leisurely manner. For a high rank with a court official The song used to hurry to cross the ocean is always the music sample. Required Army crossed the coast only. Only use a Rama Music to fly the air back and forth manner of angels. Fairy (teacher-Khon drama tour ceremony as Maitreya ศว lookin), music, lighting components merge in your manner of angels and fairies.Phlangaklem used to come to the high rank of the character, such as Indra. Owner, Rambutan In the story the Golden conch (ceremony to pray to scrape a Maitreya fur-drama witnukam) Music phlae the manner to go flying winged creatures of the air like a bird khrut etc. The response to the song plating of low rank, such as her character was used to present music composed manner to apply.2. music accompanying army troops, including lifting naphat phlengkraonok for human phlengkrao of the monkey in the army for army of giant. Phlengkraoklang for the army of humans.3. assemble a fun, cheerful music, namely phlengkrao naphat dancing for a mock manner.Music for body, bright-colored slate shows the Merry Music slow music speed for women shows the merry or to organized and beautiful. The songs glide Mother Sri for showing pride in beauty.๔. เพลงหน้าพาทย์ประกอบการแสดงอิทธิฤทธิ์หรือปฏิหารย์ได้แก่ เพลงตระนิมิตร สำหรับการแปลงกาย ชุบคนตายให้ฟื้น หรือบันดาลให้เกิดสิ่งต่างๆ เพลงตระสันนิบาต สำหรับการประชุมเพื่อกระทำพิธีสำคัญต่างๆ เพลงชำนาญ สำหรับการนิมิตหรือประสิทธิ์ประสาท เสกคาถาเป่าต่างๆ แปลงตัว สำหรับตัวพระและตัวยักษ์เท่านั้น เพลงตระบองกันสำหรับการนิมิตหรือประสิทธิ์ประสาทและใช้แปลงตัวที่เป็นพญายักษ์และนางที่เป็นยักษ์ เพลงคุกพาทย์ สำหรับการแสดงอิทธิฤทธิ์ของผู้มีฤทธิ์ หรือเหตุการณ์อันน่าสะพรึงกลัว(ในพิธีไหว้ครูโขน-ละคร เป็นการอัญเชิญครูยักษ์) เพลงรัวใช้ทั่วไปในการสำแดงเดช หรือแสดงปรากฎการณ์โดยฉับพลัน5. music fight and literature and include naphat music man outside for a fight or to pursue the track of non-human characters like Hanuman Hanuman arrested Mrs. Suphan Matcha arrested Mrs. Benkai.The music man is a human character for Shan pursue animals such as deer, Rama. Grandpa ran by PeacockNoisy drum music for fighting common music, dancing Man ching required prior to use of a weapon or prior actions do.6. music accompanying the general mood: naphat phlengklom for sleep mode to. The songs she sought the Lord for access to caress with love. Advocate for cry songSad songs, one after another, for a emotion regret your mind while you move the same time same time like crying.
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