4. messages and paying wages. Employers agree to pay, and the Contractor agree pay amounts to 4, 059, 240.00. Baht (four million two hundred fifty thousand to nine thousand forty), which have included all costs as well as taxes and duties, VAT and other employers to pay wages, with contractors. When completed in the job. As follows:-Cash in advance 10% of the contract value in the start date tasks by contractor personnel must be ready. Job performance.And equipment with operating vehicles -The actual guideline drawdown of 2 times/month.-The employer will deduct the retention hold in each period. 10% of this portfolio insurance will reimburse the contractor within 30 days from the date of the provincial electricity authority for the delivery of the final task to those successfully employed by the contractor must provide a written guarantee from a bank or cheque. Give to the employer in the same amount.-The employer shall pay the remainder of all contractors. After the contractor has done contract work for other all the rest according to the format detailed contract completion. Ready to taengboriwen garbage waste materials and transported the remaining material out of the construction area, clean and tidy. By the contractor will be required to ship the AS-BUILT DRAWING shows the details of the actual construction, which has to determine is correct. -After the employer has shipped supplies to construction, with contractors. Contractors are responsible for the care and storage of materials and equipment, are in perfect condition until the employer to deliver electricity.
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