Should avoid the incentive to make more vapor chemicals such as smoke, dust, air pollution and cause irritation. Chill in the air. The air conditioner or fan blower, drinking or washing. Eating ice cream, or food that evolve neck, such as fried foods with oil. If you want to turn on the air conditioner. Should set the temperature higher than 25 C to prevent cold air too. In the case of the fan, do not open the number the most devastating, and should give the fans shaking! Avoid touching the air from the air conditioner or fan directly. Because the cold air can stimulate the trachea bronchial contraction cause coughing, more should be to warm the body enough while sleeping. Such as sleep blanket. If you should wear socks bedtime. In the case of not cover or blanket like flick out unconsciously should wear thick, or put the jacket 2 I went to bed, should cover your mouth and nose when coughing. With a handkerchief or tissue paper. Should wash their hands every time hand if my mouth when coughing should drink warm water.
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