The ice hotel. This is located in the village. Jukkasj ä RVI of northern Sweden, covers an area of 59 200 square, built from the pole, ice 2 000 ice cubes, and another 3000 tons, raw material using ice near the river Torne annually to artists from around the world gathered to hotel water ice. Every winter to feel the atmosphere not repeatedly.
.The ice hotel room with so many choices. Each room has a bed of ice cover sheets and wool is too. But patterns or decoration is different. Which of course must be made of ice.In a dog, drag, sightseeing, reindeer, snow and ice carving drive move.
rates are divided into Warm and Accommodation Cold Accommodtion
Warm Accommodation room price, starting about 10 000 baht, night. (the price has changed quite a lot)
Cold Accommodation room price started, about 15000 per night. (the price has changed quite a lot)
* * * Thai silver 5 baht. Equals the currencies Swede den 1 SEK by * * *.
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