The last supper measures 460 x 880 cm (180 in × 350 in) and covering the walls, the end of food at the Santa Maria de fungal collections in Milan, Italy's is a traditional one for refectories, but Hall while Leonardo drawing it. The main church building was recently completed (in 1500), but employed by Ludovico Sforza by the facing to build a mausoleum for the Sforza family. Auditorium drawing was commissioned by Sforza would be at the center of the cemetery Lunettes above the main painting by three vaulted refectory will be painted. With Sforza coat of arms The opposite wall of the refectory is covered with frescoes by Giovanni Donato da Montorfano crucifixion which Leonardo added figures of the Sforza family in tempera (these figures had deteriorated very much like the way a last meal.) Leonardo began work on the last supper in 1495 and completed in the year 1498 — he does not work in continuous drawing. Tentative start date is the convent's archives for the hit and the document date 1497 indicates that nearly finished paintings as one narrative story with well known before from complaining, Leonardo, delay, enraging him, he write to the head of the temple. Explains he has been struggling to find an evil face, suitable for Judas, and if he can't find the face consistent with what he has in mind. He will use all of the prior complaint.
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