Kyats (Kyat) is the currency of Myanmar kyats equals approximately 26 * 1 baht The Thai Myanmar Kyat (MMK) is the official currency of Myanmar 26.0460 Myanmar Kyat 1. = Thai baht.Burma's currency, the kyat, is-read how kyats.-When the first two Thai baht kyats equals 1.-Now 100 kyats equals 3 Thai bahtThere is a special currency-Myanmar itself is a currency, FEC.-In Burma 1 FEC is equal to 1USD.-Outside Myanmar 1 FEC is equal to plain paper.-The FEC decides to find out USD Into The Country.-Banks Burma is divided into 50, 100, 500, 1000.-But before it is split.10, 50, 75, 100, 200, 500, 1000.-Remember that there are always more like banks with 95 250.But not sure-There are no ATMs in Burma. But banks like Myanmar holds more than home.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..