Euler is Swiss mathematician and physics. He has been called the greatest mathematician who ever. Born April 15, 1707 Basel country city for Switzerland. He is a child of a mathematical possibility Kariya Ajmer and Johann Bernoulli teaches math with your Bachelor's degree. at the age of 16 years and a master's degree in philosophy. At the age of 18 years. You do the math, in research, in 1727. He received the position of head of the St. Petersburg Department of mathematics Academy of Sciences (Russia), established by Tsar Peter Maharaj 14 years later, he is the Director of the Prussian Academy, based on the superb holiday invitation mirrored Frederick komharat. He worked in this position for 25 years, it's back to St. Petersburg, and that it is up to die. On September 18, 1783 aged 76 years.Lake on the Euler used nahad "functions" (according to the definition of the new Palace in 1694 lai) In a lecture to a relationship that is associated with a variable, such as y = F (x), he was also named as the first application of calculus to physics.Lake on a mathematician Euler nahad is one of the most numerous works. All of his collected works, including 75 books of his works great influence on 18th century mathematical works he wants to lose visibility and completely blind forever. 17 last year in his life, which in this period that he can work to produce nearly half of all his works.
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