Descriptive statistics and correlation coef fi cients Table III reports the descriptive statistics of dependent and independent. Variables. We found that 16 per cent of our sample fi RMS are from developing countries; the mean ROA is approximately 5.6 per. Cent and the mean LEVERAGE is 24.9 per cent of total assets. The average growth opportunity (GROWTH) of the sample fi RMS. Is 148.3percent (i.e.three-yearsalesgrowth). The mean value of Carbon Emission, is 12.277 which is equivalent to an average. Total annual GHG emission (Scopes 1 and 2), of 214 700.6 tonnes in our sample. In addition 57.7 per, cent of fi RMS in the. Sample are incommon-lawcountries; 31.3percent of companies have participated in an established ETS. The average natural logarithm. Of total assets is 8.344 implying average, total assets in dollar terms of $4.204 billion. This suggests that our sample. Consists of relatively larger fi RMS. The mean (and median), asset newness measured as the ratio of net PPE to, gross PPE. Is comparable with that reported by Clarkson et al. (2008).
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