When 2 years ago, and I go to Hua Hin, I like to travel before leaving the house. I went to the charity, and feed the fish. I like to feed the fish. Then go to Hua Hin and his friends, and at the destination, I went to take a picture of the way places.Then, I like to go to the sea, because the fresh air, and I like to play the sea and playing with banana boat, I play with friends. I is really something fun. As time 6 pm. I go to eat according to what market of delicious, too.Because I like to eat papaya salad with sticky rice, pod deep I went to sleep, when another day evening I went running around the village then. The dog came and bit me and I panicked. I have to be hospitalized for protection.Because it may make us die if don't take me in the hospital 2 sun per 1 times to inject drugs blocking the rabies. At that time, I was scared the needle. But now I began to disappear, fear, because at that time was injected to 4 - 5 needle.But now, when the needle is normal for me. Now I think I want to go to Hua Hin. Because it's beautiful and has a good memory for me.
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