1. the meaning of indigenous vegetation Vegetables refers to plant vegetables or plants native to the local villagers to be consumed as a vegetable. According to local consumer culture that has come as a natural source of NA Rai or villagers planted close to the House to ease the consumption. These vegetables may be named according to the local and traditional cuisine based on local-specific methodologies (cloud Chan prayoon, 2541)2. the source of plants, vegetables The original folk vegetable sources as various in nature, but humans have come from natural sources, vegetation planting to harvesting, consumption in daily life. Thus, indigenous vegetation, there is a greater diversity of sources. Scholars have discussed the source of the vegetables processing plants were as follows (the clouds Chan prayoon, 2541) The source of the vegetables that come from folk sources as follows: 1. the mountains. Jungle scrub forest. Wild goat, wild wood forest types, as these. The part that people bring vegetables, often consumed as Pierce wood. Lace, shoots or above 2. farms, such as vegetable and vegetable and vegetable planting rice by Sam Rai. The rubber such as sataw beans, various marrow squash Wattles. 3. Renee Nong Canal swamp. Most are aquatic plants that occur naturally, such as vegetables, glasses. Trunk Teng Convolvulus Kut vegetable carbon 4. the kitchen garden. Vegetables, cooked vegetables, include fencing, RIM Vegetables such as parsley, basil, mint, amount ingested ya Nang. The source of the vegetables vegetable concluded that folk-folk that comes with 3 sources natural sources natural sources and is semi source is planting vegetable rack natural sources include plants that grow naturally in the fields or NAPA he. No need to maintain the source of natural vegetation from semi include plants which grow near the natural community and receive care. For the vegetables that come from cultivation include flora that have been selected from natural or semi natural sources and is grown in the home or in the community or plaengboriwen, a kitchen garden and the more naturally so free from chemicals. Villagers used in the local cuisine (Office of the public health Foundation, 2538) In addition, the source of the vegetables that are folk sources from sources such as the garden around the House wilderness, and many of the plantings in the wild eat plain. When will it hold the equipment to harvest, which is called the store. Many kinds of vegetables, vegetables, grass, weed, because it is a subject in which the placenta. Located in the Dong ya look into grass, such as escorting a vine gourd kathokrok Defense (Jon white flowers are very fragrant, shape as of 2537) The source of the vegetables hold folk that are sourced from various sources as follows: 1. the vegetable gardens planted and sold in trade. 2. kitchen garden where locals each family planting or own land around the home, or planted in pots, containers. 3. the plants that occur in the forest fringe Nong. Canals, marshes, fields, etc., without which human beings could not be planted. 4. the weed, which is a human need, but sometimes it can be useful, such as vegetables, Burr cogongrass ghosts. Under the grass, etc.
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