In the holidays of the two brothers, and gigi, it technician, zayn tedious.Gigi is going out the House and zayn for gigi to your purchase to fit your it needs to buy out to gigi, with zayn by what gigi ordered that zayn is closet, hood, trunk line, vest, drapes, scotch tape, flashlight, diaper, pajamas, faucet, tire, eraser, drapes, and sneakers are called gigi taxi driving through high way, but requires a subway ride to a little bit longer.Then simply select the purchase of gigi, brother to finish until onset hunger up gigi to look for nearby coffee is a coffee shop which has a Gothic various sweets such as cookie, Chips, candy, fries, and jello.Gigi, so sit until saturated, then had to come to the apartment to use the service elevator gigi selected for convenience. When it comes to the room, it's thanks to the purchase of gigi zayn came, many, then it will tell gigi that Zayn to play soccer at the yard near the House. When they are about to leave home, zayn gigi said, leading to the garbage by zayn zayn just follow, but by then it's walking along sidewalk zayn to the lawn to play football. When play is finished, invite, see the movie gigi is a movie about the fall and zayn looks gigi to eat corn to add to the fun, then both sleep happily.
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