Leaders of gay prison law approved beards scams throughout life.In Dakar, Senegal To date, 21 Nov, President of the Gambia signed the draft law to enforce a law that specifies the penalty to imprisonment for life, to those that have gay behavior. AP News Agency says the draft, a copy of the legislation had been approved and dated 9. In October, on Friday, which officials earlier did not accept that the Presidency will drug me jumper. One of the leaders in Africa against homosexuality people have signed the law. The criminal laws of the Gambia, which is usually a heavy punishment for the offense consistently. Still, there are people who work, play behavior is same-sex lover. If anyone has found such behaviour would be imprisonment for life. The new law has confirmed more Tham klangkrasae arrested nationals of homosexuality, since past Nov. 7. A group of gay men were arrested, and no less than 8 people.
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