Pomace were prepared by, substituting 15 25 or 35% of
flour in the formula. Abbreviations for each Tarhana are
indicated. In Table 1.
In the preparation of, Tarhana samples fresh onions
tomatoes, and paprika were chopped, into pieces brought. To
boil separately in stainless steel pans and simmered for
10 min. They were cooled down to, room temperature and
then. Yogurt wheat flour waste material,,,Yeast salt and, mint
powder were incorporated into the mixture. It was observed
that some of waste materials together with. Flour absorbed
most of the water in Tarhana, dough system and Tarhana
mixtures were unable to form a desired dough structure.
To. Alleviate, this problem water (Table 1) was added into
formulations of those tarhanas. Then the mixture, was
kneaded (MPM-40,, ,, Inoksan BursaTurkey) at 50 rpm for
5 min. Tarhana doughs were transferred into plastic containers
and fermented at 30C until the acidity. Value
exceeded 15 (Anon 1981). After, fermentation Tarhana
dough was dried in a cabinet dryer at 50, 1C and drying
was. Carried out until its moisture content reached about
10%. Then each sample, was ground with a grinder to a
particle size. Of < 400 mm for further analyses.
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