1.4 how to collect information.We collect information in this research. Research of retention risk areas Bangkok, one of the first steps the project details to the Board of Directors for research ethics in human research of the Faculty of public health, Mahidol University, for certification, ethics in human research.Will be conducted the following research data collection? Then the researchers cooperate with the owner of the place, one of the risk areas 1 hotels Bangkok to tell its research objectives and request a courtesy to access information store service employees in the area risk. Collect data manually and select the example group has met the selection criteria. Research to clarify the details, with participants aware of the reason for the research in this. Explain in detail the query and notification of personal information will not be disclosed. After the research, with research participants, data and then. The study will provide a signed written request. Continue to store data by using a query, so that participants answer. The sample group to cooperate in answering queries as well. Therefore, the steps in the data collected in this study, therefore, is appropriate. But this study may not be representative of the population. Note that participants who came probably the person with the least risky behaviour.
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