According to the four noble truths Buddha must work hard for the result of the analysis with excellent wisdom to distinguish yae-intellectual property. The Buddha is said to Ananda "view anon by season, we'll go ahead. If required, subject to withdrawal a little broken, sikkhabot "(Maha Parinirvana bills 10/141), causing a problem that had called the little monks, some images do not agree and do not accept the Council since the first incident like this, it happens to many of the Council. There is a separate group working independently as a Council schism and ideas, but it should not be treated as a separate religion, but any. The main issue, which is not true haengomhayan occurred at the sikkhabot therefore he is allowed, but the Lord aphitrarom. Interpretation of the meaning of God's aphitrarom this is the main issue lifted that results of Mahayana Buddhism. One of the groups to which the monks of monastic scholars tend to think that lifted a Saint by instruction of the Buddha himself, not as the received teachings come from the Buddha taught come. But a teacher who also taught the noble disciple, has been accomplished successfully. He also is writing, students have to be a complete man. The Buddha is the ultimate teacher. They just want the rest of your teaching alone, even to achieve that end, but they also lose the top Cabinet slot joy which comes from God, you look. The properties of things, which makes. He is the greatest teacher in the world. This issue is the source haengomhayan.
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