The meeting of the Executive Board of Technical Education has prepared a document related to the agenda. Stored in electronic format on the network within the agency. The management and Board of Directors in the meeting agenda on a regular basis. The objective is to keep backup and retrieval, as well as reducing the amount of paper storage increases cause problems in queries related agenda, including changes in technology. You must continue to adjust To improve both the speed of the display. Help investigate relevant information properly, which reduces the time for the meeting. And the functions that are associated with a host of others. Such as meeting reminders Sort conferencing systems Functions of the meeting. Functions searched the resolution of the meeting topic. To optimize system performance based on information and communications technology in the
independent study reported herein. Proposes the development of an electronic meeting system for executives. The system was developed by the Faculty. King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Lat Krabang, Bangkok, which is a government agency. The improvement from the old system. For quick impression. Help investigate relevant information was correct. And the level of disclosure resolutions. By developing a web application is available. To improve efficiency and effectiveness in meeting the electronic management via the Internet.
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