Chapter 3How to perform3.1 materials and programs used. 3.1.1 computer. 3.1.2 the program Microsoft Word 3.1.3 paper. 3.1.4 pen. 3.1.5 Internet.3.2 How to conduct research 3.2.1 free topics that interest to make presentations, research consultant, teacher. 3.2.2 education and research related to the subject matter of interest, how is sleeping, good health. There is much content and the need for additional research data from various Web sites. The questionnaire data and store the data in order to prepare the next content. 3.2.3 review that matter learn from studying IS1 (education, research and knowledge generation) 3.2.4 studies how to make academic report into a book. 3.2.5 study on how to write references and bibliography 3.2.6 design and check in the technical report into a book. 3.2.7 preparation of technical reports is to present research Advisor. 3.2.8 make Power Point presentations, exchanges, learning in the classroom.Work schedule Day/month/year to runJune 4, 2014 working group project (IS)11-June 25, 2014 in the Advisory Group. Select a subject of interest to study the sweat is telling the disease.2-July 9, 2014 think why he wants to study this matter with any questions:July 16, 2014 set problem, hypothesis and predict problems ahead and deliver the Department's Advisory teacher.July 23 – August 6, 2014 search information about many diseases, says sweat. With the exchange of ideas within the group, each person's suggestions. August 13, 2014 proposed mentor teachers about it and is going to be adjusted.August 20 – September 3, 2014 to gather and review information. To deliver the Department's teacher.October 29 – November 12, 2014 to exchange ideas in order to make a new story and voted at the meeting, a group that's how to make a healthy sleeping.19-November 26, 2014, teacher consultants help guide ideas again.January 31 – February 3, 2015 Division responsible for gathering information in order to access a book report.January 4, 2015 review the information before you send print.January 6, 2015 presentations etc.
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