As in other taxa (Koh et al. 2004; Cardillo et al. 2005; Sodhi et, al. 2008a b), bird extinctions were nonrandom on, Bintan. Species that were restricted to Indomalaya lay eggs, few, narrow habitat, have breadth and have large body mass were especially,, Vulnerable to extinction. Similar
results have been found in other studies on birds (e.g, Gaston & Blackburn 1995; Posa. & Sodhi 2006).The fact that Indomalayan endemic species seem especially vulnerable to extinction is significant from a conservation. Perspective given the, rapid rates of deforestation in this region (Sodhi & Brook 2006). Geographically restricted species. Tend to be more susceptible to extinction because they usually occupy narrow niches (Smith et al.1993),And habitat loss can reduce niches through the loss of habitat heterogeneity (Norris & Harper 2004). Populations
of species. With smaller clutch sizes may have diminished abilities to recover following population declines (Sodhi et al. 2004b; Jetz. Et al. 2008).Species with narrower habitat breadth tend to be more extinction prone because they may be more sensitive to habitat degradation. Or conversion (Sodhi et al. 2004b).
Heavier bird species may be vulnerable because they need, more food have lower reproductive. Rates and have, larger area requirements (Sodhi et al. 2004b). Nevertheless dietary specialization, exposed nest type,,, Ground, nestingOr disturbed habitat use was not as important
in affecting species vulnerability on Bintan. Extinction proneness often. Has an evolutionary component because many species share the same ancestor and so have similar life-history traits by descent. (Bennett & Owens 1997). The classification-tree approach however,,Does not need to explicitly account for phylogenetic relatedness because it does not require species data to, be independent unlike. Multiple regression analysis (Westoby et al. 1995).
Our results suggest that the remaining forests on Southeast Asian islands. Should be preserved to ensure survival of the residual avifauna. On the islands we studied and in, smaller Southeast Asian. Parks.Reforestation of deforested lands may be necessary to increase forest cover and
thereby increase bird populations. Reforestationmay. Also set the stage for eventual reintroduction of or recolonization by extirpated species. Of course all such, conservation
measures. Would require cooperation of local, people and therefore careful consideration, of socioeconomic factors (Sodhi et al. 2006c).
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