In the past, new year's day of Thailand has changed, first equate 4: day 1 month love new year's day, which corresponds to the month of January, times 2 is assigned a new year's day, up 1 month 5 according to the motto Brahmin, which corresponds to April. To determine the new year in the 2. The Lunar core is to assume. The Gregorian way, instead of protecting the April 1 new year's day since 2432. However, The majority of the rural people, especially by protecting relies Songkran new year's day address. Later, when there is a change of Government comes as democracy. The Government indicated that the new year's Day April 1 not fight what is joy. Deserve to be declared a new restoration, there is a Carnival new year's day on April 1, 1937 in Bangkok for the first time, 2477. New year's day that began April 1 was widely issued to provinces in the subsequent year. And in the years since, it has been organizing 2479 Carnival new year's all over the province, new year's Day April 1 in the Chinese new year, Songkran, the Government called a day later, has been considering changes to new year's day. By the Council of Ministers has appointed a Committee, which has a capital as Chairman, wichitwathakan. The meeting unanimously as the new year's day January 1, January 1 new year's day 1937 2484.
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