The universe or the universe (English: Universe) is generally defined as the sum of existence, as well as the planet, the stars, the galaxy. What is contained in the space between the galaxy. And the matter and energy 1 all [] [2]
.Observing the universe scientific. Diameter, which is believed to have 93000 million light years [] led to 3 inference first start of the universe, these observations suggest The universe is governed by the laws of physics, and the constant throughout most of history, and the same sizeIn physical cosmology, which is believed to occur when the story, 13700 million years ago [] [] 4 5
.There are many physicists believe the hypothesis of multiple worlds. Which says that the universe may be one of many worlds exist as well [] []. 7 6 Long distance possible theory for human being to see explain observed universe.The universe is expanding in the acceleration. And there are many models to predict the final fate happened universe.
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