Sults. You yourself will reach five o’clock with new zest, for new eagerness for the evening ahead. Will you test office Quiet ? On us? Just ‘phone Remington Rand. Say: “ I’d like to try the Remington Noiseless Typewriter for ten days.
Sults. You yourself will reach five o'clock with new zest, for new eagerness for the evening ahead.Will you test office Quiet ? On us? Just 'phone Remington Rand. Say: " I'd like to try the Remington Noiseless Typewriter for ten days.
Sults. You Will reach Five O'Clock Yourself with New zest, for New eagerness for The Evening Ahead. Will You test Quiet Office? On us? Just 'Phone Remington Rand. Say: "I'd like to TRY The Remington Noiseless Typewriter for Ten days.
Sults. You yourself will reach five o 'clock with new zest for new, eagerness for the evening ahead. Will you test office. Quiet? On us? Just 'phone Remington Rand. Say: "I' d like to try the Remington Noiseless Typewriter for ten days. .