A professional teacher. Career teachers are professionals used to convey knowledge with teaching methods, knowledge and learning management!So the man was born to learn and develop their potential to provide a better quality of life.Career teachers can also be classified into several categories according to the design features and characteristics of the affiliation.For example, Teachers in ordinary schools affiliation consists of 8 groups of teachers and teachers ' activity.For example, a foreign language teacher Thailand language teachersTeacher math, teacher of art.Teacher career & technology Teacher scienceTeacher social studies, religion and culture. Teacher physical education and healthTeacher activity guide and other learning events feature. A teacher in a school or educational institution affiliated with the professional/achiwa consists of teachers who have the professional know-how.For example, automobile mechanic teachers teacher writingTeacher electronic technician instructor, electrical engineerTheir teachers teaching construction Teacher, mechanicTeachers and teachers of other welders as required professional training, with students in career-based disciplines that teach. The Agency also is considered to be the teacher of teachers, for example, a teacher in a tutorial Institute.Music instructor Dance instructor, whether they are teachers. But they are not affiliated with the Ministry of education's may not have a healthcare teacher.But they are considered therefore that the teachers teach (according to my own attitude).Or better yet have a local teacher and convey knowledge of various his teachers intentionally and accidentally, according to.And a teacher in yukhonakhot, it happened again the unending supply of new science emerging way he surely has to convey knowledge. Need to find a teacher or someone knowledgeable comes to live together forever.The teacher, who is taking their knowledge with others as they learn to know. Qualifications of professionals, teachers,1. graduates in Bachelor's degree (Faculty of education/faculty of education)2. There is a healthcare teacher.3. have knowledge of the subject, according to the Department of ญฌฉพาะ 3 na they prefer.4. honesty5. love child is thoughtful of others minds.6. the professional faith of teachers7. the pursuit of knowledge.8. do you like teaching.The other 9.
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