Parts of a microscope1. base (Base) is used to set the camera supports the weight of all of the microscope.2. camera (Body) is connected between the eyepiece to the objective lens. Prevents interference from external light.3. the arm (Arm) is fastened to the base caliber, and together, the timer is moving a microscope.4. the object dock (Specimen stage) as the altar for the sample slide placed students. Look like a rectangle with a hole in the Middle podium, a beam from a light bulb shines through to the subject studied. This stage can move up, move down.5. slide clamp (Stage clip) is the object on the stage with a pair of used for clamping slide, adjacent to the dock, object.6. adjust button images, rough (Coarse adjustment) is a large button. Used to adjust the distance of the image. 7. adjust button four times the detail (Fine adjustment) is a small button serves to adjust the image clearly. 8. objective lens (Objective lens) lens to magnify images near the object. There is a different magnification. Each camera has a 3 lens is.-Low magnification objective lens (Lower power) magnification 4X, 10X.-High-magnification objective lens (High power), 40X.-Objective lens Immersion Oil model 100X size.Caused by the objective lens will be a real head back.9. eyepiece (Ocular lens, or Eyepiece lens) from the image magnification objective lens, a larger. The image will be augmented to head back.10. Lacy (Revolving nosepiece) rotate to change the magnification of the objective lens.11. lens (Condenser) will under object dock. Acts included light intensity up to send to the subject studied.12. mirrors (Mirror), acts or natural light reflection from the light bulb inside the room to shine through the object.13. iris diaphragm (Iris diaphragm) under the lens, exposure adjustments of light entering the lens.
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